Repulse of Arab raids into India in 7th century second half:
With consolidation of the Umayyad Caliphate in the Arab world, the Umayyad
Caliphate launched expeditions against India. These were from what is extreme
North West India of those days around the Khyber Pass and down to the sea coast
in Baluchistan.
Unlike their success in Iran, the Arabs faced a lot of resistance, only borderline
success and successive defeats. The Zunbil Kings and Turki Shahis defeated them
repeatedly blocking their access to India through the mountain passes.
The Arab forces attempted to infiltrate through Baluchistan but in the process
their armies were defeated and four Arab commanders killed. The maximum the
Arabs could achieve during a 50 year campaign between 650 and 700 AD were
toe- hold and border area occupations.
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