Early Islamic invasions of India
By the time Harshavardhana established the Pushyabhuti empire encompassing north India in the first half of 7th century AD, Islam had established deep roots in Arabia and adjoining areas. Under the second Caliph, Umar, Islamic Arab armies rapidly spread into the Middle East. Either directed by the Caliph or local Governors or driven by their own enthusiasm they launched attacks in many directions.
Having reached Oman and Bahrain, the Arab forces decided to attack parts of India. This is where they met continued and determined resistance. At that time, trans Indus regions were in hands of Indian kings, so a land route was still not approachable to Arab forces.
Surprisingly they launched three Naval expeditions to attack the west coast of India at Htane, Baruch and Debal starting 636 AD. All three naval expeditions were decisively defeated including Arab commanders being killed. It speaks volumes of the strength of Indian kingdoms defending India, their naval prowess and strength to defeat foreign invasions.
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